• info@grupoapex.es
  • +34 948 81 94 12

The Navarra company moves forward with its growth and improvement plans

Ribaforada, 18 May 2021 – Grupo Apex, the second biggest company in Spain’s savoury snack sector, has announced new investments of over 6 million euros from 2021 to 2023 at all its factories. These investments respond to the need for greater baking, frying, packing and storing capacity required to meet its growing sales, as well as to make improvements in automation and digitalisation processes at its five factories, all located in Spain. “The healthcare crisis hasn’t stopped the growth and improvement plans. In fact, it has strengthened the company’s commitment to the different areas in which its factories are located,” says Santiago Sala, Managing Director of Grupo Apex.

With six work centres and over 450 employees in Spain, the group also advances in its commitment to improving the environment and showing responsibility in its processes and use of resources. For this purpose, the company put into operation a new photovoltaic installation for self-consumption on the rooftops of three of its building in Ribaforada, where works are to begin to expand the 25,000-m2 adjacent land to increase its capacity by 30%.

At its Riego de la Vega factory (León), a complete vacuum fryer line (patented technology) has just been installed, which joins the new finished-product warehouse. Furthermore, new investments are envisaged to begin that aim to optimise rainwater collection, avoiding build-ups and residues and seeking to put it to good use for field irrigating.

The production increase at Ejea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza) was also recently announced, signing an agreement with the council for the operating of new facilities. All these projects are to entail an investment of more than 6 million euros over the next two years.